Friday, February 15, 2008
My Memoirs
I think the best way to describe my life is to describe the soundtrack to my life. As a child of the eighties we were junkies of the muscial montages that introduced us to the wonderful world of movie soundtracks. I often pondered the philosophical issue of my own soundtrack and what would it contain. The highlights would have to be Statesboro Blues by the Allmen Brothers, I Will Survive by Gloria Gaynor, I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For by U2 and Don't Stop Believing by Journey. I'm not really into showtunes so don't expect "Oh Them Golden Slippers" or "I'm so Pretty" on my soundtrack. I don't like people mysteriously breaking out in song unless it is an authorized John Hughes musical montage. Anyhow I choose Statesboro Blues only because of the title. After being told that she was unable to have children I unexpectedly came along, unexpectedly being the operative word. My parents were the ones who originally had the Statesboro Blues since my dad was a full time student at Georgia Southern and my mom was working full time. For those of you not fimiliar with maternity leave policies in the seventies if you were pregnant you left your job once the baby was born. Needless to say when it was time for the blessed event it was my turn for the Statesboro Blues. Crazy as it may sound doctors actually gave women anesthesia back then during labor and delivery. I was not only buzzed when I was born but I was deprived of oxygen so that I was actually blue at birth. It gives my mom great pleasure to tease me that if it were not for this unfortunate incident that I might have actually had a great intellect. She wasn't hinting that I was average. She was saying it plainly. I guess I could always go back and sue the doctor for loss of mental hygiene. Has that ever crossed your mind? We have good dental hygiene and good personal hygiene but do we ever have good public hygiene? I would include mental in that...
Misunderstood lyrics
Song: Every Breath You Take~Police
Correct lyrics: Every vow you break every claim you stake I'll be watching you!
Misunderstood lyrics: Every vow you break every cling you stick I'll be watching you!
(Remember we lived in a time when bounce fabric sheet comercials were big)
Correct lyrics: Every vow you break every claim you stake I'll be watching you!
Misunderstood lyrics: Every vow you break every cling you stick I'll be watching you!
(Remember we lived in a time when bounce fabric sheet comercials were big)
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Why I like Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory
My sister-in-law Cristina believes it is a test of my friendship to force people to watch the 1972 version of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. Although this would make a tempting myth alas it is untrue. Still to annoy her and the many detractors of the movie I shall extoll its virtues. #1 I love his purple hat! Crushed purple velvet will come back in style someday. #2 Figuring out how two sets of grandparents could live in bed for twenty years. Didn't they ever go to the bathroom? #3 Veruca Salt Now there's a girl who knows where she's going #4 Who couldn't possibly live without their own eidable candy room with a chocolate river? Come on we're talking giant gummy bears people! and last but not least #5 Oompaloompas! Dr. Phil meets Broadway. Can entertainment get any better? A little bit of sugar helps the medicine go down. Yeah we know we're raising brats but the little orange people are singing!
To Disciple or Not to...
Is it possible or even logical for the clergy of today to do the job that has been assigned to them by their congregations? As Paul would say, "May it never Be!" Christ set up a system of discipleship that was meant to allow pastors to do the job God assigned them to do, shephard God's flock. They can't interact with the flock if the demand placed upon them are overwhelming. A wall eventually goes up and isolation begins. So where do these demands come from and who are supoosed to be meeting them? Here is where the story about my nieces comes into play. Christ created us to be relational beings. In Genesis 1:26 God says, "Let Us make man in Our image according to Our likeness," and then in 2:18, "it is not good for the man to be alone; I will make him a helper corresponding to him." We forget that both Adam and Eve's first relationship experience was with God. They met God before they met each other. We were made to relate and respond and interact with God, yet because God made us in His image but also physically present, He planned Eve to correspond to Adam. She related exactly to him as Adam related to God. The difference was that Eve and Adam were equals but God was never their equal. This didn't interfere in their relationship but was at the core of it.
Greek Word of the Week
Eleos-masculine noun meaning mercy but specifically active compassion. Unlike oiktirmos (3628)pity eleos is activated wheareas oiktirmos is simply a feeling toward someone. Eleos works in conjunction with charis (5485)grace to bring about salvation. Grace though initiates eleos bringing the individual to the knowledge that they need eleos, which then activates, taking away the consequences of sin thus allowing grace to continue to proceed with its process of bringing the individual into a right relationship with God through Christ. Eleos then is the work of the cross, God's mercy to give us what we do not deseverve to elevate the suffering caused by the impact of sin. In the Old Testament sacrifices covered the sins of Israel through the blood being placed upon the Mercy Seat. Through the blood of Christ we have a permanent condition of eleos versus a temporary fix.
Quote of the Day
Never get into a land war with Asia. Only slightly less well known is never mess with a Sicilian when death is on the line!~Princess Bride
Misunderstood lyrics
Wizard of Oz: The flying monkies chant
Correct chant:Oh we love the Old One!
Incorrect chant: Oh we Oh we Oh Oh!
Correct chant:Oh we love the Old One!
Incorrect chant: Oh we Oh we Oh Oh!
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