Sunday, February 10, 2008

Why I like Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory

My sister-in-law Cristina believes it is a test of my friendship to force people to watch the 1972 version of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. Although this would make a tempting myth alas it is untrue. Still to annoy her and the many detractors of the movie I shall extoll its virtues. #1 I love his purple hat! Crushed purple velvet will come back in style someday. #2 Figuring out how two sets of grandparents could live in bed for twenty years. Didn't they ever go to the bathroom? #3 Veruca Salt Now there's a girl who knows where she's going #4 Who couldn't possibly live without their own eidable candy room with a chocolate river? Come on we're talking giant gummy bears people! and last but not least #5 Oompaloompas! Dr. Phil meets Broadway. Can entertainment get any better? A little bit of sugar helps the medicine go down. Yeah we know we're raising brats but the little orange people are singing!

1 comment:

Peculiar said...

Only you EW, only you. :)